The DTI Network reopens the admission process for new destinations

The Executive Committee for the Smart Destination Network, chaired by the State Secretariat for Tourism, Rosana Morillo, approved the reopening of admission for new destinations.

As a result of this decision, the Executive Committee has given the green light to the inclusion of 17 new destinations in the DTI Network, taking the total number of members to 635, of which 454 are destinations, 87 are institutional members, 91 are collaborating companies and 3 are observers.

The Executive Committee, made up of the members from Avilés, Benidorm, Burgos, Chiclana, La Adrada, La Nucía, Logroño, Mérida, Palma, Santander, Talavera de la Reina, Torremolinos, Valencia, the Cabildos of Lanzarote and Tenerife; and the provincial council of Pontevedra, have also approved the renewal of the protocol for joining the Network and the amendment of the Regulations.

The new Regulations provide for the increase in the number of members on the Executive Committee to 25, in line with the increase in members of the Network.

At the meeting, it was also announced that the private area of the smart destinations website will feature a new section for data and reports open for consultation, including SDG indicators, movements of people, housing for tourist use or characterization indicators in towns, in addition to others. The aim of this is to promote the data culture to improve management.

The activities performed by the DTI Network include organising the workforces based on type of tourism, such as beach destinations or rural tourism, with work being undertaken to create tourism experiences associated with the primary sector.

New members

The new destinations joining the DTI Network include the L’Alfàs del Pi, Archena, Blanca, Calasparra, Carballeda de Valdeorras, Castelló de la Plana, Castrelo de Miño, Medinaceli, Nuevo Baztán, Oímbra, Palamós, Potes, Ribadesella, Tapia de Casariego, Vilariño de Conso; la Comarca Campo de Daroca and the municipalities in Sierra de Gata.
