SEGITTUR promotes the creation of tourism experiences in the primary sector in Network destinations

SEGITTUR has defined a Sustainable Innovation Model for Agrotourism Experiences (MISEA) and designed a series of tools to support government managers and the business community in promoting the creation of tourism experiences linked to the primary sector in their territories. This is an initiative developed in collaboration with some destinations of the Smart Destinations Network.

According to the Secretary of State for Tourism, Rosana Morillo, “this initiative promotes the diversification of the tourist product, which contributes, in turn, to improving the destination’s positioning; and helping to boost domestic tourism; and addressing depopulation with tourism as a driving force for local development”.

The destinations involved in the initiative include: the Cider region in Asturias, the Goierri region in Gipuzkoa, the Guadajoz – Campiña Este region of Cordoba, the Sierra Norte of Madrid, and Menorca in 2022, as well as the Island Council of Lanzarote, El Ejido City Council, Society Association for the Promotion and Development of the Jerte Valley (SOPRODEVAJE) and 19 municipalities of the Sierra de Cádiz.

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The aid tools for destination managers and the business community are: the MISEA Implementation Manual, the Manual for Creating Agritourism Experiences for companies, and the Catalogue of Agritourism Experiences, as well as a series of knowledge pills. All of them are available on SEGITTUR’s website

The model aims to promote the creation of sustainable agrotourism experiences that complement, diversify and contribute to the deseasonalisation of the tourist offerings of destinations. To this end, a value proposition has been innovated by bringing the primary sector closer to the tourism sector.


This initiative generates satisfactory experiences for visitors to destinations, while contributing to improving the quality of life of its population by diversifying sources of wealth and creating new business opportunities that fight depopulation, and promoting recovery, preservation and promotion of traditional modes of production that make destinations more sustainable.

Once this model (MISEA) has been developed, it will continue throughout 2023 to incentivise and consolidate the creation of experiences in the destinations of the DTI Network, especially in rural areas, by bringing together and incorporating companies from the primary sector into tourist activity.

In order to achieve this objective, SEGITTUR will collaborate with destinations from the DTI Network, and the Rural Tourism Working Group established within the framework of the network. Specifically, we will work with the Albacete Provincial Council in the Sierra del Segura region; Vinaròs City Council (Castellon); Baix Empordà region (Girona); Mar de ​​Santiago (Pontevedra); and Comarca de las Cinco Villas (Zaragoza).

Catalogue of agritourism experiences

 The catalogue contains 30 experiences from 23 Spanish provinces, including: “oleotourism to get closer to nature” in Sierra Nevada Natural Park (Granada), “learning to be a farmer” (Hellín), “grape stomping festival” in Haro, “mycological initiation” in Cercedilla (Madrid), “citrus tour” in Villanueva del Río Segura (Murcia), “Soria apple route”, “saffron cultivation” in Teruel, “banana experience” in Santa Cruz de Tenerife and “Guijuelo ham tourism”.
